Insertsite user manual

To detect DNA fragments integration,such as T-DNA insertion,transgene integration

Author list

How to use?

1. Requirements
  • bwa
  • bamio (BasePedia internal code library)
  • FragmentProcess(BasePedia internal code library)
  • HomoFind (BasePedia internal code library)

2. Install
tar zxvf Insertsite-1.0.0.tar.gz
cd Insertsite-1.0.0
python build
python install

3. Running

In linux bash sell, use followed script to execute.

insertsite --hostgenome hostgenome.fa --targetgenome targetgenome.fa --fq1 sample.fq1.fq.gz --fq2 sample.fq2.fq.gz --libsize 500
  • input instructions:
    • hostgenome - host genome fasta file
    • targetgenome - target genome fasta file
    • fq1 - sample 1st-end sequencing data
    • fq2 - sample 2nd-end sequencing data (Note:only support pair-end sequencing data)
    • libsize - library size
  • 公共/software/insertsite.txt
  • 最后更改: 8年前
  • 由 rongzhengqin