
Simpbs user manual

Independently developed cluster scheduling system

Author list

How to use?

1. Requirements

2. Install and Run server
tar zxvf simpbs.v1.0.0.tar.gz
cd simpbs.v1.0.0
su root
sh install path_to_dir (the directory to install)
cd path_to_dir
nohup ./rserver --run 1>log.o 2>log.e & 
3. For clients

=⇒ rsub -t 4 -m 4M test.sh

Usage: rsub [options] task_to_submit.sh

Contact: Rong Zhengqin <rongzhengqin@basepedia.com>

  --version   show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

  Common Options:
    -t INT    number of threads used, default=1
    -m STR    number of memory(G or M) used, default=10M

=⇒ rstat

Usage: rstat [options]

Contact: Rong Zhengqin <rongzhengqin@basepedia.com>

  --version   show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

  Common Options:
    -a        show tasks of all users

=⇒ rdel task_id

Usage: rdel [options] task_id1 task_id2 ...

Contact: Rong Zhengqin <rongzhengqin@basepedia.com>

  --version   show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
4. Supplementary information

rstat showed the tasks' information as follows:

Task  	User      	CMD            	CPUs  	MEMs  	STAT	A_CPUs  	A_MEMs  	A_Time      	M_CPUs  	M_MEMs  
16    	rongzhengqin	run.sh         	1     	10.0M 	R   	882.0   	1.3G    	0:01:54     	882.0   	1.3G    
17    	rongzhengqin	run.sh         	1     	10.0M 	R   	704.0   	1.2G    	0:00:49     	704.0   	1.2G    
18    	rongzhengqin	run.sh         	1     	10.0M 	R   	589.0   	894.3M  	0:00:47     	589.0   	894.3M  
19    	rongzhengqin	run.sh         	1     	10.0M 	R   	650.0   	989.9M  	0:00:45     	650.0   	989.9M  
20    	rongzhengqin	run.sh         	1     	10.0M 	R   	464.0   	1.1G    	0:00:32     	464.0   	1.1G

Task: task id
User: user who submitted the task
CMD:  bash script submitted
CPUs: number of cpus requested when task submitted
MEMs: number of memory requested when task submitted
STAT: status of the task, "R" means running, "Q" means waiting, "C" means completing.
A_CPUs: cpus used by task right now
A_MEMs: memory used by task right now
A_Time: CPU time task costs
M_CPUs: maximum CPU utilization until now
M_MEMs: maximum Memory utilization until now